Developing & Advancing New MRI Technology
Training & Advancing New MRI Technology
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This Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center (HMTRC) supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) (NIH P41EB013598) focuses on the development and dissemination of new advances in dissolution DNP techniques and instrumentation, specialized data acquisition methodology, and analysis software for biomedical research. 

Virtual Tour Video of the Center Facilities, Equipment & Personnel


Center Highlight: ISMRM Award Finalists & Merit Awards

Congratulations to the Award Recipients of the 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition

Center Highlight: Dr. Yaewon Kim
ENC Awardee

Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Yaewon Kim was awarded the Melanie Rosay Award at the 2023 Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference



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MRI Center Newsletter Sign-up

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UCSF International 
HP C-13 MRI Seminar Series

Thursdays 8:30am PST, bi-monthly 

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