HMTRC Personnel



Daniel Vigneron, PhD
Professor, Director, TR&D1 
HMTRC Executive Committee Chair
Vigneron Lab
[email protected]

Jeremy Gordon, PhD
Associate Professor, TR&D1
HMTRC Executive Committee Member
[email protected]


Robert Flavell, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, TR&D2
Chief, Molecular Imaging &
Therapeutics, HP Radiologist
Leadership Committee
[email protected]  

Renuka Sriram, PhD
Assistant Professor, TR&D2
HMTRC Executive
Committee Member
[email protected] 


Zhen Jane Wang, MD
Professor, Abdominal Radiologist 
Associate Chair for Strategic Planning
HP Center Medical Director 
HP Radiologist
Leadership Committee
[email protected]

Michael Ohliger, MD, PhD
Professor, Abdominal & Liver Radiologist, Modality Director for MRI
HP Radiologist
Leadership Committee
[email protected]

John Kurhanewicz, PhD
Professor, TR&D2 
HMTRC Executive Committee Member
[email protected]

Robert Bok, MD, PhD
Professor, TR&D1 & 2
Director of Preclinical-Clinical Translation
HMTRC Executive Committee Member
[email protected] 

Peder Larson, PhD 
Professor, TR&D3 
HMTRC Executive
Committee Member
[email protected]  


Duan Xu, PhD
Professor, TR&D3
HMTRC Executive
Committee Member
[email protected]

Javier Villanueva-Meyer, MD
Associate Professor, 

HP Radiologist
Leadership Committee
[email protected]

David Wilson, MD, PhD
Professor, Chief of VA Neuroradiology
HP Radiologist
Leadership Committee
[email protected] 


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Academic Personnel & Trainees

Adam Autry, PhD
[email protected]

Rosie Nolley
[email protected]

Xiaoxi Liu, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
[email protected]

Ivina Mali
Postdoctoral Scholar
[email protected]

Anna Bennett
Graduate Student
[email protected]

Jacob Ellison
Graduate Student
[email protected]

Sule Sahin
Graduate Student
[email protected]

Ernesto Diaz
Jr. Research Specialist
[email protected]


Avantika Sinha
Assistant Specialist
[email protected]

Jennifer Lewis, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
[email protected]

Changhua Mu, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
[email protected]

Minjie Zhu, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
[email protected]

Danny Gebrezgiabhier
Graduate Student
[email protected]

Tanner Nickles
Graduate Student
[email protected]





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Center Staff & Other Administrative Staff

Jim Slater, RPh, MS, PhD
Senior Research Pharmacist for Hyperpolarized Isotope Imaging
[email protected]

Duy Dang, PharmD
HP Research Pharmacist
[email protected]

Lynn Delos Santos
Pathology/Molecular Biology
[email protected]

Lucas Carvajal, MS
Senior Development Engineer
[email protected] 

Yaewon Kim, PhD
Senior Bioengineer
[email protected]

Xiao Ji
NMR Core Lab Manager
[email protected]

Heather Daniel, MT
Research Technologist
[email protected]

Nick Dea
Research Technologist
[email protected]

Kimberly Okamoto, RN
Research Nurse
[email protected]

Jamie Cardinale-Webb,

Research Nurse
[email protected]

Chris Mendez, RN
Research Nurse
[email protected]

Anna Ramsey, RN
Research Nurse
[email protected]

Calista Chiu
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Jose Garcia
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Jenna Bernard, PhD
HP Data Scientist 
& Communications Manager
[email protected]

Kim Semien
Research Center Program Manager
[email protected]






Evelyn Escobar, CPhT
Pharmacy Technician
[email protected]

Stacy Andosca, CPhT
Pharmacy Technician
[email protected]

Mark van Criekinge, MS
Principal Development Engineer
[email protected]

Hsin-Yu Chen, PhD
Senior Bioengineer
[email protected]

Will Byrne
Staff Scientist Assistant
[email protected]

Mary Frost (McPolin), MT
Principal Research Technologist
[email protected]

Fahim Malyar
Research Technologist
[email protected]

Vahid Ravanfar
Research Technologist
[email protected]

Laura Carmody, RN
Research Nurse
[email protected]

Marion Jacobs, RN
Research Nurse
[email protected]

Chiyo Uchida
Research Nurse
[email protected]

Louise Magat
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Wendy Ma
Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]

Jenny Che
HP Center Program Officer
[email protected]

Stephanie Murphy
Post-Award Analyst
[email protected]


Cresini Tabaranza-David
Executive Analyst
[email protected]





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 Center Alumni

Xiaoliang Zhang, PhD
Former: Professor 
Current: Empire Innovation Professor
at University at Buffalo

Kayvan Keshari, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Professor
at Memorial Sloan Kettering

Dave Korenchan, PhD
Former: Highfield MRI Engineer  
Current: Research Fellow at The MGH/HST Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

Shuyu Tang, PhD
Former: Graduate Student 
Current: Engineer
at HeartVista

Subramaniam Sukumar, PhD 
Former: Highfield MRI Engineer


Zihan Zhu, PhD
Former: Graduate Student   
Current: Senior Consulting Associate  
at Charles River Associates

Rie Rie Beck Olin, PhD
Former: Visiting Student 
Current: Postdoctoral Scholar 

Simon Hu, PhD
Former: Graduate Student
Current: Patent Attorney 
at Van Pelt, Yi & James LLP

Irene Marco-Rius, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Assistant Professor at IBEC & BLOC scientific director

Hong Shang, PhD
Former: Graduate Student    
Current: Senior Research Scientist 
at Tencent Al Lab

Hecong Qin, PhD
Former: Graduate Student  
Current: Medical Student at U. Chicago Medicine 

Peng Cao, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong

Philip Lee, PhD
Former: Graduate Student  
Current: Medical Student at U. Pennsylvania

Manushka Vaidya, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: TBD

Deepti Upadhyay, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Researcher at All India Institute of Medical Science

Yaewon Kim, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Senior Bioengineer at the HMTRC



Natalie Korn, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Machine Learning Engineer

Bertram Koelsch, PhD
Former: Graduate Student 
Current: Group Manager
Health Product R&D, 23andMe

Jinny Sun​, PhD
Former: Researcher
Current: Data Scientist Manager at Teladoc Health

Cornelius von Morze​, PhD
Former: Senior Bioengineer
Current: Assistant Professor
at Washington University

Eugene Milshteyn, PhD
Former: Graduate Student
Current: MRI Clinical Research Scientist at GE Healthcare

Daniele Mammoli, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Project Advisor
at European Research Council

Christine Leon Swisher, PhD
Former: Graduate Student   
Current: Chief Scientific Officer
at Ronin

Yesu Feng, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar   
Current: Senior Research Scientist 
at Netflix

Ilwoo Park, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar     
Current: Professor 
at Chonnam National University

Galen Reed, PhD
Former: Graduate Student     
Current: Senior Algorithm Scientist at Truvian

Nick Dwork, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar     
Current: Assistant Professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz

Shubhangi Agarwal, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar  
Current: Scientist at Ambys Medicines

Andrew Risielli, PharmD
Former: HP Research Pharmacist    
Current: Postdoctoral Scholar in the School of Pharmacy at UCSF

Brian Chung, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Technical Advisor at Oblon LLP

Jasmine Hu, PhD
Former: Postdoctoral Scholar 
Current: Senior Research Systems Engineer at iRhythm Technology



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